Money Back Guarantee
The following policy will sound "too good to be true", but I assure you it's real.
You see, I've been doing this long enough that I understand the difficulty of your situation.
You know you have to simplify your lunch program, but there's a lot of pressure to pick the
right system. Whatever decision you make has to simultaneously please administrators, volunteers,
cooks, parents, and children. That's a very diverse group and there's bound to be an infinite
range of computer savviness amongst them. It's a very daunting task, especially if you've
never shopped for this kind of software before! Read More
Now I could spend all day bragging about our service and insist that your search is over, but
what good would that do you? You don't know me from Adam, so I could easily be the kind of guy
that over-promises and under-delivers.
I'm the exact opposite. I want to build long-term relationships; I would rather have a hundred
loyal, long-term customers than a thousand disappointed, disloyal customers. The only way to do
that is to build a rock-solid foundation of trust and respect. You need to know that we'll tell
you the truth even when it will cost us your business.
"You would turn away business??"
Yes. We've done it before and we'll do it again. We're not trying to get rich and run off to Tahiti;
we don't have any delusions of grandeur. We just want to take care of our families and
help you take care of
yours. It's impossible to be all things to all people and we're
not going to bang our heads against the wall trying to do so. If we think we're a good match for you,
we'll say so. If we're not a good match, we'll tell you that too.
To erase any lingering doubts, we'll put our money where our mouths are. If we don't live up to our
promises, we don't deserve your money. It's as simple as that. So, if at any point before the start
of your second school year with us, you decide to stop using our service, we will refund everything
that you've paid us. We'll even help you select a replacement service and migrate your data.
At the end of the day, I believe in what you're trying to do. I want you to simplify your lunch program so you
can focus your energy on the more important aspects of school lunch. That's why I'll do my best to help you
get the right solution, even if it means refunding your money and referring you to a competitor. Maybe that
makes me a bad businessman, but it sure helps me sleep at night!
Jeff Molby
Founder, Managing Partner
- This policy applies to the schools and food service companies that use our service to sell meals and other items;
it does not apply to the buyers (such as the parents of schoolchildren) of those items.
We have no control over those items, so we cannot guarantee their quality.
Any concerns about those items must be addressed with the seller.
- This policy applies to customers that signed up on or after January 1, 2011.
- This policy does not cover payment processing fees or any other fees charged by third-parties.
We can't refund money that was paid to someone else!